Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Classmate Interview

Just like the flavor of her favorite ice cream, mint chocolate chip, Katherine Elizabeth Wenger is a refreshing break from the average teenage girl. At first she may seem a little typical with her favorite color pink and her love of masculine and athletic boys, but after talking with her for just a few minutes you get the feeling that she’s actually very down to earth and extremely sensitive.

Born in the small town of Granville, Ohio, Katie still traces back to those roots everyday. “I love being at school because of the friends I’ve made, but I miss my family and home more and more everyday.” Sharing a close-knit relationship with her family does make it hard for her to be away, especially since she’s away from her mom, who she sees as her inspiration and role model.

After talking with her about her home life, you get the sense that she’s a very passionate person, and Katie’s biggest fear is losing someone she loves. “I’m afraid that someone I care about is just going to slip away too soon, sometimes with certain people you just don’t get enough time.” 

Her fervor for the things she loves has clearly paid off because during her senior year of high school she won the coveted prize of Cheerleaders of Cheerleaders, which she had been striving for since becoming a cheerleader at the young age of 4.  “I do regret quitting dance though,” she sighs, which is another thing she was very passionate about, “but cheerleading is still one of the biggest parts of my life.”

Even though she’s extremely passionate and loving, Katie also prides herself on being outgoing and unusually optimistic, but she does say one of her biggest characteristic flaws is her hunger for victory. “I would never want a twin sister because I know I would be so competitive with her. I wouldn’t want someone that I’d constantly have to compete with.”

Something else you wouldn’t guess about Katie’s personality from just looking at her girly blonde hair and burgundy painted fingernails is that she’s actually very adventurous and has some pretty big aspirations for herself. “The craziest thing I’ve ever done is going cliff jumping in Barbados,” she smiles at the memory, “and if I could have one thing in life it would be to be a news broadcaster, like the next Katie Couric.”

She starts to stray back to the normal teenage girl when discussing how her favorite movie is Pearl Harbor, the first thing she would do with a million dollars is buy a car, and her dream husband is Justin Timberlake, but when I ask her what’s her biggest life lesson she throws me off by saying “you can’t let the past ruin your future.” She seems so calm when saying it, but you can tell she’s been through some rough patches that have shaped her into the mature women she is becoming today. 

Katie’s surprises don’t stop there, for when I ask her the final question of what always makes her smile, her answer is no where near the normal things you would expect to hear. “Knowing that I’m loved is what always keeps me going,” she grins, “I like knowing the people I love care for me back.” 

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